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Media Report for the Seminar Series “The Religious and Cultural Effect of Social Media on Syrian Youth in Turkey’

With the great changes that the Syrian society saw on the demographic, geographic and political levels, and the state of refuge it has taken which has affected culture and religion in  Syrian society, social media kept pace with all these changes and was a tool effecting and affected by the Syrian reality. With the aim of becoming acquainted with the social media that Syrian youth in Turkey use, and the cultural and religious effects it has on them, the Syrian Dialogue Center held two seminars with the title of “The Religious and Cultural Effect of Social Media on Syrian Youth in Turkey” in the cities of Antakya and Gaziantep between Shaban 26-27 1440/May 1-2 2019. The seminars were attended by active youth and youth interested in social affairs.

The seminars discussed the most important social media websites that Syrian youth and the nature of their engagement with them. It then researched the cultural and religious dimensions of Syrian youth, with the discussion concluding with researching how social media effects those dimensions of Syrian youth today.

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