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Media report for the panel discussion “One year of resistance… How Moscow’s agreement completed its first year without collapsing? “

Work under “Moscow’s agreement” entered into between Turkey and Russia on 5th of March 2020 regarding settling the conflict in the north west of Syria continued for more than one year stopping the military campaigns of Al-asad and Russia which used to be renewed after short periods from previous agreements.

The Syrian Dialogue Center issued a paper regarding this topic with the title:  “One year of resistance… How Moscow’s agreement completed its first year without collapsing?”

And for more discussion around this agreement and the factors that made it continue, the Syrian Dialogue Center in cooperation with ORSAM Center for Middle Eastern Studies on 12th of Sha’ban 1442 corresponding with 25th of March 2021 held a virtual seminar with the title:  “More than one year on Moscow’s agreement, continuation elements and expected scenarios”.

Speakers like the researcher in the Syrian Dialogue Center and the manager of Policies Analysis Unit participated in the seminar:  Dr.  Mohammed Salem, and expert of Syrian affairs in ORASM center:  Dr. Samir Abdella, and the researcher in ORASM center and Omran Center:  Mr.  Nawar Shaaban with the presence of a number of activists and persons of interest.

The seminar tackled many cases related to the file of ceasefire in the north-west of Syria especially the factors that participated in its continuation till now. The seminar also probed to the files of “Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham HTS” and many other problematic files like the file of opening the borders with areas under the control of the Regime after being announced by Russia recently.

The seminar witnessed many interaction from the attendees who participated in enriching the dialogue through showing their opinions about the track of ceasefire agreement and the benefit of continuing work under it. The speakers concluded the seminar with a number of recommendations that be done to guarantee the continuation of work under the ceasefire agreement and how to use this period to rise with the management of the Syrian north in a correct way.

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