PublicationsResearch and StudiesShared Identity and Consensus Unit

Intersection of International Interests Regarding the Political Solution Entries in Syria

Analitik Rapor

This study discusses the extent of intersection of interests of the acting countries regarding the most significant entries of political solution and the importance of this study is represented in its help in understanding the changes that happened to the track of political solution as well as the international intersection of interests in these changes in a way that help in expecting the fate of this track from the prospective of international interactions.

The study is divided into three main parts: The first part of it discusses the intersection of international interests regarding the cases of constitution and elections which represent, in their current context, an appeasement for the Russian input, while the second part is specified to study the intersection of international interests in the cases of transitional justice and “preserving the bodies of the government”, and the third part came to shed light on the interests related to the files of expelling the foreign militias from Syria and the principle of “fighting terrorism”.

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