Analytical ArticlesPolicy Analysis UnitPublications

Towards a Primary Reading in the Escalation Between “Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham” and “Fa-Ethbato” Chamber

Analytical Article

The tensions promptly increased between “Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham- HTS” and the members of the operation chamber of “Fa-Ethbato” that was formed in 12 June 2020 in the north west of Syria. This happened after “HTS”’s try to suppress the strength of these militias which were united in one entity to oppose what “HTS” works to demonstrate of new policies represented in a group of changes to its speech and identity as well as practical correspondence with the Turkish- Russian compromises. This formed a threat to the most extremist “Jihadi” groups that hinder the ceasefire between Turkey and Russia regarding Idilb. It’s clearly known that the file of changes of “Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham” and the rest of “Jihadi” groups is regarded a main gear in the engine of conflict inside Idlib and this affects a group of local and regional files like the final solutions of the Syrian case and the Turkish national security as well as the fate of the areas of the Syrian north that are under the control of the Syrian forces of revolution and opposition. Thus, this essay is trying to highlight the latest developments as a primary reading for what they might lead to.

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