Media Report for the Discussion Group: Roles of NGOs towards the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons in North Syria”
The number of forcibly displaced Syrian (internally) reached 6.6 million people according to UNHCR statistics by mid-2018, and the number of NGOs participating with the UN have reached 900. These numbers point to the great role played by these organizations in protecting this group of people, especially since the number of displaced in Syria is greater than the number of refugees outside of Syria, which the United Nations estimates to be at 5.6 million.
Given the large number of displaced person, and the great effort put in the United Nations through its participating NGOs, light must be shed on this issue.
Therefore, in line with the message of the Syrian Dialogue Center in strengthening the culture of dialogue, spreading it within Syrian society, and solidifying means of communication between society and NGOs, the Syrian Dialogue Center held the “Roles of NGOs towards the Rights of Forcibly Displaced Persons in North Syria” discussion group. It was held in the Syrian city of Al-Bab on Saturday 26 Rabia Al-Awwal 1441 – 23-11-2019. The discussion group aimed to hold a dialogue between a group of actors and activists for the displaced on the extent of participation of NGOS in Northern Syria in protecting and strengthening the rights of displaced persons.
The group discussed the most important roles that NGOs undertake in protecting the rights of forcibly displaced persons, and as such researched the pros and cons in the work of those organizations towards these rights, and concluded with researching the development of work with these organizations in the framework of strengthening these rights and protecting them.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة