Media report for the discussion seminar “Iran’s investment in extremism and exaggeration”
The effect of Iran’s interference in Syria, through using the tools of soft and tough forces while hiding parts of Iran’s relationships in its work to achieve its goals in Syria, is quite apparent. In addition to the Iranian hidden and complicated activities we find Iran involved in supporting extremism and exaggeration militias and this had big effect in ruining the Syrian revolution and wasting its earnings. The Iranian and extremists parties have many things in common and all that was built on the damage of the Syrian revolution and the blood of the Syrians.
As part of the efforts of The Syrian Dialogue Center in analyzing the roles of activists and influencers in the Syrian scene and as a participation in studying the unannounced relationship between Iran and extremism and exaggeration militias, the Syrian Dialogue Center conducted a study called “Iran’s investment in extremism and exaggeration groups” as it is a hidden investment relationship that was built on mutual interests where Iran is the biggest beneficiary party and Syria is the most affected party.
The study was issued in two editions:
Iran’s investment in extremism and exaggeration groups.
Iran and extremists groups…. Relationships and compromises in conflict regions.
And for more focus on this study the Syrian Dialogue Center held a virtual seminar on 1st of Sha’ban 1442, 14th of March 2021 entitled: “Iran’s investment in extremism and exaggeration groups” and this seminar witnessed the participation of a number of activists, researchers and persons of interest. The target of this seminar was to continue the discussion around the efforts that can be exerted to stop the Iranian’s and extremists’ agenda in Syria. The center worked on enriching this discussion by issuing many research papers around the topic as indicated in the substantive context of the seminar.
During the seminar a number of researchers provided information about the beginnings of the Iranian investment in the extremism and exaggeration groups and their mutual interests as well as the effect of this relationship on the Syrian scene in specific. The researchers also provided important recommendations about how to face the Iranian plans.
The seminar included interjections from many participants who expressed their opinion about Iran’s investment in these groups. Other participants emphasized the importance of urging Arab and Islamic mass media to reveal this complicated relationship and not relying only on research centers and that is to make this relationship apparent for everyone in order to know its dangers and avoid them.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة