EventsTraining Courses

Media Report for the Training Session: “Methodology of Designing Social Field Research”

Within the center’s aims to support and develop young researchers’ work and empower their research, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a training session with the title of “Methodology of Designing Social Field Research” between 24-29 Rajab 1440 AH/1-5 April 2019.

The session aimed, through discussing various axes, to introduce the researchers to social research methodology and how to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative approaches, and as such how to design quantitative social research papers. It presented to begin social research methodologies and how to determine the research problem, as well as mechanisms for preparing questionnaires and data collection and analysis.

The session was presented by Hassam as-Sa’d, a researcher and professor in social sciences and previously a professor in the University of Damascus and University of Aleppo. It was attended by 20 participants and researchers in the social field. Throughout the session, the trainees worked on building their research papers step by step under the trainer’s supervision.

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