Consultative SymposiumsEvents

The Fifth Consultative Symposium “On the Path to Empowerment”

The Fifth Consultative Symposium was held under the title “On the Path to Empowerment/Tamkeen” in Istanbul from 1-3 Safar 1437/13-15 November 2015 and was attended by 68 participants

Speakers and Papers Presented in the Fifth Consultative Seminar:

First/Emotional Readiness according to Divine Norms
1. Law of Change in the Noble Quran
2. Our Misfortunes are from Our Sins
3. The Revolutionary Components’ Options in Light of the study of Divine norms
4. These are our traditions
5. Traditions and the return of the cultural role

Second/Mental Readiness and Changing your Perspective
1. From Revolution to State
2. Revolutionary Spirit and State Structure
3. Empowering Micro-units for Local Governance

Third/Practical Merit and Finding Leadership to Carry Projects

Results and Recommendations of the Fifth Consultative Seminar

The Fifth Consultative Seminar issued the following recommendations:
1. The participants will study the documents of the “Tamkeen” project in their institutions and send their notes to the Syrian Dialogue Center within one month from the date of the documents being sent to them.
2. The Syrian Dialogue Center will work on introducing the “Tamkeen” project on a wide scale after developing the project according to the notes sent to it.
3. The Syrian Islamic Council and the Syrian Dialogue Center will form a joint committee to sponsor the formation of a unified leadership for the Syrian revolution guided by the workshop’s results and general indicators.
4. The Syrian Dialogue Center is responsible to publish the papers of the Fifth Consultative Seminar for a general audience so all may benefit from them.
5. The Syrian Dialogue Center will prepare an extended publication on the divine laws in the Syrian issue taking advantage of the papers presented in the seminar.
6. The Syrian Dialogue Center will organize a specialized seminar to discuss research papers on “Controversial Political Terms” in a deep manner and draw out their practical conclusions.

To view the research papers presented in the fifth consultative seminar (On the Path to Empowerment)
Tamkeen project- Introduction
Appendices of Tamkeen Project-1
-Reviving an understanding of tradition in the Syrian Revolution’s Journey
-Spirit of the Revolution and State Logic

*Recommendations are followed up by the Symposium Preparatory Committee to ensure that they are executed directly by the responsible parties

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