PublicationsResearch and StudiesShared Identity and Consensus Unit

The Main Features of the Revolutionary and Opposition Forces Narratives with regards to Talks in Moscow between Assad’s Regime and Turkey

Analytical report produced by the shared identity and consensus unit of the Syrian Dialogue Center


This report uses the thematic analysis methodology to track and analyse the positions of revolutionary and opposition factions, numbering 43 parties and organisations; 31 having previously taken positions and 12 observed recently. The report shows 22 statements made by parties and committees with regards to the ministerial meeting between Turkey and Assad’s regime, the political factions came in leading with the number of statements made (9 statements), followed by local revolutionary or political committees and associations (4 statements each). Meanwhile there was a lack of any statements from the local councils and official powers, besides one statement made by the Free Aleppo province council.

On the thematic level, we can look at 4 main features shared by the statements, and they are: condemning the Turkish direction of normalisation with Assad’s regime, holding on to the principle of Syrians representing their cause away from official powers, staying true to the principles of the revolution, and supporting the popular movements.

The analysis also revealed that most Syrian factions that have taken clear positions by releasing statements in Ab (August) have not taken any public positions after the actual implementation of the reproachment between Assad’s regime and Turkey. That seems very strange given that the logical context should imply the contrary as the movement from statements made by the Turkish government to actual implementation should be considered a more dangerous and provocative step to Syrians. Based on that it is expected that the positions taken and statements released should be more assertive and clear.

The lack of any statements made by official powers such as the National Coalition, Interim Government, Ministry of Defence, and the local administrative councils was also noticed, even though they released statements back in Ab (August). Which reveals the narrowness of the movement margin they have in the face of Turkish policies, and the state of shock after the statements made by the Turkish government with regards to reproachment with Assad’s regime became practical steps they could feel. This silence only increased the drift between these official powers and the local populous.

Analiz raporunun tamamını okumak için (Arapça)

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