EventsFocus Groups

The media report of the focus group discussion “The future of Idlib in light of Moscow’s understanding: prospects and approaches for dealing with it”

After signing of the Moscow understanding between Russia and Turkey regarding Idlib on March 5, 2020. many questions were raised about the best position of the revolution and opposition forces towards it, as well as the future of the understanding, which was brief in language, and how to take advantage of the conditions it provided in the re-arrangement of political and military position.
With the intention of discussing these issues, the Syrian Dialogue Center conducted a focus group discussion (FGD) entitled: “The Future of Idlib in the Light of Moscow’s Understanding: Prospects and approaches for dealing with it” on Saturday, Rajab 26, 1441 AH, corresponding to March 21, 2020, and attended by a number of politicians, activists, and actors in Syrian matter.

The FGD aimed to explore and analyze the terms of Moscow’s understanding, especially with regard to the future of the areas around the M4 highway and the areas seized by the regime following its last military campaign, i.e. Maarat al-Numan, Kafr Nabl and other areas. Next, the FGD discussed the political and military position of the revolution and opposition forces appropriate to dealing with this understanding. In its final part, the FGD discussed the duties of the phase laid on the forces of the revolution and the opposition politically, militarily and media-wise in dealing with the field situation inside Idlib Province: such as re-structuring the military factions, dealing with the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and the factions affiliated with it, and how to address the popular incubator, especially the displaced.

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