Media Report for Discussion Seminar “Caesar Law: Reasons and Consequences”
After a long wait, the American House of Representatives and Congress approved the Pentagon’s budget which included the “Caesar Bill.” The bill stipulates sanctions against the Syrian regime and its supporting nations, in addition to all the organizations and people who presented forms of supports through various means, and will now go to American president Donald Trump to be signed into law.
In order to shed light on the expectations of this bill turning into law and predict its consequences and effects on the Syrian regime and towards a political solution in Syria, in addition to its expected positive and negative effects on the Syrian people, the Syrian Dialogue Center held the “Caesar Law: Reasons and Consequences” seminar. It was held on Wednesday 20 Rabia Al-Thani 1441 AH/17 December 2019, with a number of politicians, activists and actors in the Syrian issue in attendance.
Dr. Salih Al-Mubarak, an American professor of Syrian origin and an activist for the Syrian cause, spoke in the first section of the seminar on the promise of this project and its background and the role that the Syrian diaspora played in leading to its manifestation and approval in addition to researching the future of this law in light of the possibility of change in the American administration in the coming elections. Afterwards, Dr. Layla Salih, also an American professor from Syrian origin specialized in international relations, spoke in the second section on the expected repercussions of the bill on the Syrian issue, its expected effects in comparison with previous sanctions and the extent of its connection to the decision of American withdrawal from Syria and its connection to the intense sanctions on Iran. After that interventions and comments were allowed, and they varied from opinions of this being a great opportunity to take advantage of the bill for the sake of the Syrian people and its rights, and those who were afraid of agendas not aiming towards the victory of the Syrian people and protection of civilians, as the bill claims, but rather further fragmentation of the region for Israeli and American agendas.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة