Media reports of the discussion seminar “Potential implications for Russian firmness in closing the crossings: Alternatives and potential consequences”
Russia systematically worked on decreasing the entry of international humanitarian aids through border crossings to Syria and this made the aids recently enter only through the Syrian north through Bab Alhaw crossing point.
It appears that Russia might try to delay the entrance of the aids through this sole crossing in the next July when the Security Council will vote on extending the international mechanism of aids entry especially after the increase of economic pressures on the regime and in line with the Russian suggestions to open crossings with the Syrian north.
And considering the importance and seriousness of such situation, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a virtual seminar entitled “Potential implications for the Russian firmness in closing the crossings: Alternatives and potential consequences” on Saturday 28th of Sha’ban 1442, 10th of April 2021 with the purpose of highlighting the topic and discussing its possibilities and implications as well as the political and humanitarian expected scenarios and discussing the possible options and alternatives.
Characters that participated as main speakers in the seminar include the researcher in the European Institute for Political Initiatives and Strategic Analysis: Dr. Basem Hatat, and the CEO of Al-Sham Humanitarian Foundation AHF: Mr. Mohand Etman, and the political researcher and director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies: Dr. Radwan Zeyada and with the presence of a number of officials from humanitarian organizations, activists and persons of interest.
During the seminar the speakers provided information about the potential dangers in case Russia used the Veto power in the next session of the Security Council in July 2021 regarding extending the humanitarian assistance and the steps that can be taken in this scenario. They also indicated the necessity of using legal tools, political pressure tools and directed public opinion along with advocacy in order to form a pressure on the international powers in the case of extending assistances for the Syrian North.
Many of the attendees also stated their opinions during the seminar and saw that it is important not to wait till Russia use the Veto power and work on activating the political possibilities that can be used by the opposition or the supportive countries in the case of assistances entrance. The seminar also probed to the dangers of losing the money of the assistances for the Regime and the organizations related to it and emphasized on the importance of checking the track of expensing the money that got collected during the latest conference of Brussels and where the biggest portion of this money goes.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة