PublicationsResearch and StudiesShared Identity and Consensus Unit

The Dimensions of National Conformity; Analytical Reading in Coalition Documents for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces

Analytical Paper

Within the frame of political bodies diversity, the unionist political bodies in specific, starting with the Syrian national counsel to the Syrian negotiation authority passing by informal coalition bodies, the reader may think that this variety is related to various factors like the disagreement in the political visions and images, in addition, after scrutiny, we may find that the disagreements in it is almost marginal and detailed in most of them, and the coral disagreements is limited to specific points that may not exceed the one hand fingers.

To assure the previous assumption: “the marginal and detailed disagreements in most of the points and the confinement of essential disagreements in some of them” this paper which was prepared by the common convergence and identity unit in the Syrian dialogue center in line with one of its main objectives; seeking for achieving the convergence between Syrians, their political components and forces.

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