The Yearly Report for the Syrian Dialogue Center- Reports of Activities for 2018
The center in 2018 continued its path in working to empower constructive Syrian dialogue which will allow Syrians to find practical solutions to confront their shared challenges and achieve integration and co-existence and guide the national decision. The Syrian Dialogue Center is pleased to present some of its activities from the year of 2018 conducted through its two main programs: The Political Dialogue Program and the Social Dialogue Program.
The Center held 21 events and published 12 publications through its two dialogue programs. It also participated in executing the “National Dialogue” project, completing what it had begun in 2017, and began publishing the National Consensus Index which will be published biannually. In addition, the center released a series of video interviews on the Syrian homeland.
The Center’s activities in its Political Dialogue Program ranged from events focusing on discussing changing tactical issues, such as the case with the “Hiwar al-Sa’a” track, and other events which gathered together specialists. It also held events aimings at participating in helping to achieve national consensus such as in the National Dialogue project, National Consensus Index, and Interviews on the Syrian Homeland.
As for the Social Dialogue Program, it focused on discussing youth and women’s issues, in addition to strengthening dialogue between social actors and local organizations in Syria.
We hope that the Center in the year 2019 will be even more successful in increasing dialogue and integration between the different groups of the Syrian people.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة