Iranian Cultural Infiltration in Syria (1): Religious Tools
Analytical Report
This edition displays, in its first part, the rank of soft force in the Iranian politics towards the region in general and towards Syria in specific as the result was that: The soft force adopted by Iran in Syria before 2011 has changed to be a cultural war and mind invasion through which Iran targeted religious, social and educational fields in Syria in a try to use its harsh existence represented in its military militias in order to build a long term cultural and social strength. The report then reviews in its second part the religious tools of this religious infiltration in Syria.
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مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة