ISIS attack on Al-Sina’a prison in Al-Hasakah A reading of the backgrounds and outcomes
The recent ISIS attack on the “Al-Sina’a” prison in the Ghweran neighborhood of Al-Hasaka city was not strange or far from expectations. This type of attacks against prisons carried out by ISIS to liberate its detainees is a followed military strategy that the organization always urges its supporters to implement it, in addition to the expectations of experts and some official actors and the statements of the SDF leaders themselves, It previously warned that the fragile reality of these prisons tempts ISIS cells to attack them, in addition to the fact that ISIS capabilities and attacks have been on the rise over the past two years.
However, the magnitude, nature and consequences of the attack were remarkable. The attack is the largest of its kind in Syria since the fall of the last ISIS strongholds in the Al-Baghuz area. Prior to this operation, most ISIS operations were limited to explosive devices, rapid ambushes and attacks at Remote points and on highways, But this time, It was able to gain access to the depth of “SDF” security and military control, indicating Its increased capabilities and willingness to begin a new level of operations in both sides in Syria and Iraq.
As has become clear in the case of ISIS movements, various parties are trying to invest in its activities, especially recent attack, some reports in the international coalition claimed that the ISIS attack on Al-Hasakah prison would weaken the organization because of the heavy losses suffered. In contrast, ISIS and other data suggest the opposite side they claim that this process has contributed significantly to contributed greatly to raising the morale and fighting spirit of ISIS fighters, with emphasis on the “stay or remaining” slogan of ISIS, and with the difficulty of confirming the numbers of people who have been escaped from prison or who have been arrested again and the fact that there are many facts that confirm that a deal has been made whereby some cadres have been secured to organize, It means ISIS cells stretched into the desert with new blood that will increase the pace of their future operations.
On the other hand, the increase in the quantity and quality of ISIS operations in Syria reflects negatively on the overall landscape in Syria; On the one hand, it reinforces the priority of the counter – terrorism issue, in exchange for the decline in the political transition file and the implementation of international resolutions on a political solution in Syria. It also supports Russian allegations that its presence in Syria is justified under the cover of fighting terrorism and countering ISIS, which in general means that the return of news of ISIS operations to the vanguard of Syria contributes to the suffering of Syrians and the delay of a political solution.
This operation also sounded alarm bells about the issue of ISIS detainees in SDF prisons and their families distributed in several camps, and reminded of this great moral, humanitarian and legal dilemma that casts a shadow over the scene in Syria in general. The recent attack has raised concerns on many sides and made international voices calling for this dilemma to be dealt with, and for all States to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibilities towards these camps and prisons.
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مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة