Media report for the discussion seminar “Efforts of Syrian mobilization and advocacy in the international field, complicated reality and absence of strategies”
The concept of mobilization and advocacy for the Syrians developed after 2011 as the Syrian activists used some tools of mobilization and advocacy like demonstration and media appearance without a clear strategy but this concept and its tools got developed and many activists and organizations were able to organize big number of campaigns that some of them were directed to the western field and they succeeded in drawing attention to some political and humanitarian cases and in affecting – to some extend- in the international sides concerned in the Syrian case.
An as a try to follow efforts of mobilization and advocacy established by the Syrian parties whether individuals or organizations, the paper issued by the Syrian Dialogue center with the title: “Efforts of Syrian mobilization and advocacy in the International field… Complicated reality and absence of strategies” worked on studying a group of mobilization and advocacy campaigns that wide segments of the Syrians participated in them and tried to affect some of decision makers in the International arena with the purpose of knowing the strength points that these campaigns achieved as well as weakness points they suffered and work on solving them and enhancing the effect and returns of these campaigns.
For more and wider analysis for this case, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a virtual seminar on 13th of Ramadan 1442, 24 April 2021. The seminar witnessed the participation of speakers like the researcher in the Syrian Dialogue Center: Mrs. Kenda Ahmed, and the researcher in the European Institute for Political Initiatives and Strategic Analysis: Dr. Basem Hatet, and coordinator of humanitarian diplomacy in the Turkish organization “IHH”: Mr. Abdallah Altay as well as the presence of a number of researchers and experts that are concerned in this field.
During the seminar the speakers provided general information about the concept of mobilization and advocacy and the results achieved by these efforts in all the previous years in the Syrian revolution as well as weakness points faced by the previous campaigns. They also called for focusing on the main purpose and goal of these campaigns on different political, military and economic levels and other levels with the necessity of not making the cases just instantaneous and neglecting them after solving the problem related to them but rather work on them to achieve the main sought goal on the long term.
A number of participants also stated their opinions in this seminar and some of them called for the importance of establishing a relationship with effective persons and decision makers in the international public opinion and not just being limited to communication means or demonstrations. Others emphasized the necessity of having patience in these campaigns and adhering to the principles they set and they also probed to talking about successful experiences in other countries in the efforts of mobilization and advocacy and how they benefited from these efforts.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة