Press Report of the Symposium “Discussion on the National Consensus Index”
The Syrian opposition is always accused of the disparity between its speech and its actual position on all of the events affecting the general situation in Syria. This has created a general impression that the Syrian revolutionary and opposition forces very rarely gather around one opinion or stance, esepcially in light of its continued failure to find a reference, whether objective or stuctural, to which it would agree and commit upon.
Consequently, and in harmony with the message of the Syrian Dialogue Center in “Achieving Integration, Coexistence and Guiding National Will,” the center has lately issued the “National Consensus Index” with the intention of testing the degree of consensus between the Syrian revolutionary and opposition forces. This index will monitor and analyze the declared stances of a number of legal, military and political forces towards the most prominent events and political stances throughout this half year “Biannual Index” (attached).
In order to discuss the idea of the essential index “Acheiving Consensus” and the possible extent of empowering it in the current Syrian political context , in addition to evaluating the index an dialogue over its results with the goal of developing its future versions, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a symposium with the title “Dialogues on the National Consensus Index.”
A number of politicians, researchers and actors from the Syrian revolutionary and opposition forces participated in the symposium. The center’s team expalined the index, clarifying its methodology and the most prominent of its consequences, as well as opening the discussion to participants. They pointed to the importance of the index for the Syrian sitution and the neccesiity of its continuation and developement in future formats,
which leads to monitoring the public attitude towards political issues as well as monitoring the positions of political parties and elites.
To view the attached report:
The National Consensus Index- First Issue
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة