Yearly Report of the Syrian Dialogue Center- Our Activities in 2017
After a year filled with activities and achievements in enabling constructive Syrian dialogue to allow Syrians to find practical solutions to face their shared challenges and achieve integration, coexistence and guide their national decision, the Syrian Dialogue Center is pleased to share some of its activities and events from 2017, which are distributed across two of the center’s main programs: the Political Dialogue Program and the Social Dialogue Program.
The Syrian Dialogue Center was effective throughout 2017 within its two programs in addition to participating in executing the “National Dialogue” project and the “Al-Kashaf” project. The center established a series of seminars which gathered a number of experts and researchers who prepare situation analysis reports with a number of politicians and people interested in politics. A number of representatives from institutions from the revolutionary and opposition forces were also in attendance.
In addition to “al-Kashaf” the center presented a number of events within its cohesion and coexistence tracks in the Political Dialogue program, and within its reconstruction and reform tracks in the Social Dialogue program, for the year 2017 to be a quantum leap in the center’s journey. We hope that the Center will continue its journey in 2018 in achieving Syrian national interests and contributing to building the Syrian nation and people.
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مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة