Media Report for the Focus Group Discussion “Towards Transforming the Principles of the Revolution into a Cause in the Minds of Syrians”
Some thinkers believe that a revolution, usually a swift event, will neither change the consciousness of societies nor inculcate new ideas in the minds of their individuals because they are moments of temporary awareness; and that leaders of change or revolutionary action have to strive to preserve that fragile layer of new ideas brought on by the revolution. Furthermore, they have to work to intensify these novel ideas and instill them in the public consciousness to transform them to deep and established ideas, reaching a generation whose firm ideas are a mixture of old and new ideas, and thus has the potential and ability to change easier and faster.
In this respect, Syrians have been criticized for failing to transform the principles of the Syrian revolution into a cause deeply embedded in the conscience of various segments of the Syrian society. For until today, Syrians still differ in describing the situation in which they are living. This can be one reason why the mobilization momentum has declined among the supporters of the Syrian Revolution. On top of that, Syrian revolutionaries made many practical mistakes that have clearly contradicted the principles of the very revolution they were promoting.
Within the framework of its research approach to this topic, the Syrian Dialogue Center issued a study entitled “Towards Transforming the Principles of The Revolution into a Cause in the Minds of Syrians: Lessons Learned from the Palestinian Experience.” In this study, the center examined some successful experiences in the revolutionary field and extracted lessons that would help the Syrians to exploit the state of societal change and turn it into a state of deep awareness among all Syrians of all spectrums in the long run.
With the aim of elaborating on this topic, the Center for Political Dialogue held a focus group entitled ” Towards Transforming the Principles of The Revolution into a Cause in the Minds of Syrians” on Saturday 21 Rabi` al-Awwal 1442 AH, corresponding to November 7, 2020 AD, with the participation of several experts, researchers and activists in the Syrian Cause.
The discussion group began with a rapid review of the research paper and its outputs. Then, Dr. Hafez Al-Karmi reviewed an aspect of the Palestinian experience and what lessons can be drawn from it. Next, a presentation by Professor Ahmed Aba Zaid followed, in which he reviewed some aspects and experiences inherent in the Syrian case that can be built upon to strengthen the concept of cause in the Syrian society. In the conclusion, the audience discussed the various ideas proposed and focused on the applied aspects of the concept.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة