Center’s participation in the international conference organized by the Center of Middle Eastern Strategic Studies ORASM about the education of the immigrants
During hosting her in the international conference organized by the Center of Middle Eastern Strategic Studies ORASM about the education of the immigrants, the researcher in the Syrian Dialogue Center: Ms. Kenda Hawasly provided a presentation for a research paper entitled: “The challenges that face integration of Syrian students in the Turkish schools”.
Hawasly referred to the research series issued by the Syrian Dialogue Center around this topic with the title: “Four years since the integration decision, Syrian students inside Turkish schools” and she displayed the main points in the research in regard with the most important problems that face Syrian students in the integration process in the Turkish schools.
Hawasly stated that the research paper relied on performing interviews with Syrian students and teachers in Turkish schools and the main focus was on Istanbul city and also other cities were considered in order to know the stance of all segments.
The researcher stated that there are difficulties in the ability of forming friendships with Turkish students among Syrian students as about 40% of the students don’t have Turkish students in their schools and most of them are still in the primary school where it is easier to form friendships in this stage.
Hawasly indicated that the integration experience- despite all efforts- was not easy from the social side as many unexpected factors appeared, affected and hindered the objectives of this experience. These factors are external factors related for example to the school system as some teachers don’t accept the idea of having foreign students in their classes and this mainly affects the child and his education and integration. Also the teacher might not be having the skill of dealing with foreign students.
There are internal factors related to the child and his family from another side as Turkish teachers usually complain the weakness of the follow-up of the Syrian family and this might be related to the state of psychological, legal and social instability and being obliged to work for long hours according to Hawasly.
The researcher stated that the general atmosphere in the Turkish schools got affected by the incitement campaigns during elections and also the Syrian student got beaten and faced physical violence just because he is Syrian. In addition to that, some Turkish teachers kept telling the Syrian student to return to his country the matter that affects his psychology and the integration process.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة