Media report for the discussion seminar “Future of humanitarian crossings: A dialogue about backgrounds of the problem and ways of dealing with it”
There is an increased warning from a humanitarian catastrophe in the areas of opposition in the north west of Syria as the appointment of voting in the International Security Council, regarding the international mechanism related to passing aids through the borders, approaches and that is because there is a fear from using the Russian right of VETO against the decision of extension.
What asserts these fears is the existence of previous parameters as the last year witnessed Russian disruptions in front of supplying humanitarian assistance using the crossings of Bab Alhawa in the north of Idlib and Bab Alsalama in the north of Aleppo. Russia stopped the international endeavors to continue supplying assistance through these two crossings and later there was an agreement on extending supply through one crossing which is Bab Alhawa.
To avoid falling in catastrophic scenarios for the areas of north-west of Syria with the approach of the international session of the Security Council to vote again on extending work of supplying assistance through the borders, it is necessary to stop of the available options through which it will be possible to avoid the starvation scenario in the area or at least limit the effects of Russia’s potential usage of VETO right.
In this context, the Syrian Dialogue Center in partnership with “Fajr” Academy held a seminar on 18th of Shawwal 1442, 30 May 2021 in order to discuss the topic of crossings and the importance of mobilization and advocacy efforts in order to make the case of providing assistance far from politics and make humanitarian cases above all considerations.
During the seminar, the researcher in the Syrian Dialogue Center: Dr. Mohammad Salem provided general information about the case of crossings and how Russia worked on limiting it with the possibility of working in the session of the next July on using the VETO right against the decision. Also, the seminar stated the available alternatives and options in case Moscow hindered the passage of the assistance.
The seminar witnessed good interaction and participation from the attendees as they asked many questions, and many cases were discussed between local and international activists that might be effective in the topic of crossings and extending passing the humanitarian assistance to the north west of Syria.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة