Media Report for the Focused Discussion Group: “Options of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces in Idlib in Light of the Ankara Summit”
The Ankara Summit, which gathered the nations participating in the Astana- Sochi process, ended without an agreement on the future of the governorate of Idlib- the most important issue affecting millions of Syrians both inside the governorate and outside it. Opinions on the future of Idlib are between those who see no way to avoid military confrontation with the regime and its allies, and the battle is inevitable, and those who see a possibility to avoid that. The second group sees this as possible by taking several political and military procedures, namely, opening up international crossings, setting up safe zones and making it easier for shared Turkish-Russian patrols, in addition to solving the issue of Hayet Tahrir Al-Sham, the conditions stipulated by the Sochi agreement.
On the political level, this is accompanied by the near-agreement of the participating nations to start a constitutional committee, and with the increase in refugees in the governorate.
In this light, and with the aim of discussing the options which the Syrian revolution and opposition forces possess in Idlib in light of the latest developments following the third summit, and to study its humanitarian, military, political and strategic effects and repercussions, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a discussion group with the title of “Options of the Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces in Light of the Ankara Summit” in Antakya on Wednesday 26 Muharrem/1441/25 September 2019 with the attendance of a number of politicians, representatives of military factions and humanitarian workers.
The group discussed in the first topic point the description of the humanitarian, political and military situation in addition to the regional and international factors. Then in the second topic point they researched the same subjects, with the third presenting possible military and political solutions for Idlib and its countryside.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة