Media report for the seminar, “The Caesar Act: One year since passed, its consequences and the expected scenarios for Reconstruction of Syria.”
More than a year has passed since the United States of America approved the “Caesar Act,” which targeted the Syrian regime, amid continuing Russian efforts to return refugees with the hope of obtaining reconstruction funds.
To shed light on the results and implications of this law; The Syrian Dialogue Center conducted a seminar on January 11, 1442, AH, corresponding to January 24, 2021, entitled: “The Caesar Act: One year since passed, its consequences and the expected scenarios for Reconstruction of Syria.”
The seminar hosted the head of the “Syria Economy Working Group,” the economic advisor, Dr. Usama Al-Qadi. A group of researchers, experts, and others interested in this area attend the seminar.
Dr. Usama Al-Qadi gave a briefing on the “Caesar Act” results and how it played a significant role in stopping the normalization efforts with the Syrian regime by many countries. Now, normalizers will face legal consequences. Besides, Caesar Act obstructed Russia’s project of returning refugees and initiating the reconstruction of Syria.
Dr. Al-Qadi also made recommendations about what is needed to reach an inclusive national project that can enable a political solution. To this end, Dr. Al-Qadi reviewed other countries’ experiences subjected to protracted wars and great devastation, such as Germany, Yugoslavia, South Korea, and Japan, indicating that these countries rose thanks to the implementation of national projects on top of which are the economy. Dr. Al-Qadi commented that he relies heavily on this aspect to solve Syria.
Guests participated in the seminar, enriching the dialogue. Others raised questions and inquiries about how to reach a political solution after the complications in the Syrian map and the conflicting agendas of international actors.
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة