Media Report for the Seminar: “Future of Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria and their Regional Influence”
With the Iranian intervention in Syria on the side of the Assad regime, and its recruitment of local and foreign terrorist militias to secure its existence, the role of these militias did not stay only to preserve the Assad regime, but transformed into other roles represented in Iran’s regional interests in different social, economic and military areas. In addition to the role of these militias in serving the Iranian project in the region, their destructive local effect on Syria’s future, and in different areas, makes covering them an important subject to rebuild the Syrian social structure and national identity.
As a first step in covering this subject, the Syrian Dialogue Center recently published a series of papers on “Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria,” in three parts as follows:
1. Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria: Categorization, Affiliation and Factors of Mobilization
2. Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria: Roles and Areas of Influence
3. Iranian-Affiliated Militias: Influence on Future and Region
With the aim of completing the discussion on Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria, through presenting and developing the previous papers, the Syrian Dialogue Center held a seminar with the title “Future of Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria and their Regional Influence.” The seminar was held in Istanbul on Thursday, 21 Jumada Al-Awwal 1441/January 16 2020 with a number of experts in attendance.
The seminar started by presenting the paper in the series and then following that with two guests of the seminar: Mutai Al-Batin, a researcher in the Iranian intervention in Syria, Sasha Al-Alo, researcher in Politics and International Relations. This was then followed by comments from the participants and their thoughts on the series and on the future of Iranian militias in Syria.
To download the research papers:
Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria: Categorization, Affiliation and Factors of Mobilization
Iranian-Affiliated Militias in Syria: Roles and Areas of Influence
Iranian-Affiliated Militias: Influence on Future and Region
مؤسسة بحثية سورية تسعى إلى الإسهام في بناء الرؤى والمعارف بما يساعد السوريين على إنضاج حلول عملية لمواجهة التحديات الوطنية المشتركة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة